Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dandruff care tips For Hair...

Home made hair care tips

Dandruff is the shedding of dead cells from the scalp. It sometimes leads to boils and pimples too. These are some ways in which we can get rid of dandruff.

To keep healthy glowing hair this way is not very simple given to-days living conditions. The heat and dust and also working for long periods in air- conditioned surroundings. The hair treatments like perms, tinting, and hot rollers also affect the healthy luster of your hair.

The best way to atone for this would be to go “Totally Natural” from time to time. You need to eat a proper protein rich diet.

The scalp should be clean before oiling the hair. Do brush hair as a daily routine, with firm downward strokes. Wet hair should not be brushed, as hair is weak when it is wet, and breaks easily. Take care and the time to massage the scalp while oiling hair, as this will increase the blood circulation around the roots.


* Keep the scalp clean. Oil hair on alternate days and shampoo.

* Mix 1 egg with 1 cup of yogurt and apply on the scalp. Leave for ½ an hour and wash.

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